Thursday, July 10, 2008

E is for Elephant

Next weekend we have a black tie wedding and although I am usually very excited for formal events, I have been dreading this one since nothing in my closet fits me and it seemed silly to purchase a maternity black tie dress. Kristin to the rescue!! My friend Kristin works for Calvin Klein and was generous and patient enough to take on the challenge of having me come to her showroom to pick out a dress. After unsuccessfully attempting to squeeze my new large bod into about 10 dresses (which was like a workout and has left me a bit sore) we finally found this adorable dress that not only fits me but is comfortable and flattering. Kristin, you are the best!! Anyway, the only thing I needed now was a new bra that could be converted to a halter so I headed up to my favorite bra store Intimacy on Madison for a fitting. After waiting about 40 minutes a lovely fitter named Samantha was ready for me. If you have never been to Intimacy be warned that the name is quite appropriate because you literally stand there topless and bra less while they access your boobs. Samantha informed me that I am still a 34 which was nice to hear but unfortunately my cup size has gone up a an E. WHAT!! I asked her to repeat herself a couple times because there is no way I could be an E. Normally I am a full C, small D and with the pregnancy I had purchased a few full D cups after the first trimester but E cup is really not any option. I finally succumbed to Sam's advice, asked her to please stop saying E and we moved on. Of course she was right and the bra fit perfectly so the moral of the story is, as my friend Nicole so delicately said to me last night, E is for Elephant. Somebody please shoot me or at least get me a martini ;-)

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