Monday, August 4, 2008

Updates and Pictures

I am sorry for ignoring the blog these past few weeks but we have been so busy!! Where shall I begin...ah, my birthday :-)

My Birthday
Jeff and I celebrated my birthday in style being that it's the last one where its just the two of us. He took me to see Gypsy on Broadway which we both thought was okay and then to a fabulous dinner at Craft. It was a lovely day but the biggest surprise were the beautiful diamond and sapphire earrings he had made for me as a birthday/baby gift. Now I am not the easiest person to surprise AT ALL but he really got me with these. The words oh, my, god, came out of my mouth like 20 times! They are stunning and were made by our wonderful jeweler Sarkis who is just a doll and makes all of my jewelry with a ton of care and love.

The New Diggs
Friday July 25th we left our first home 211 East 73rd Street and moved into 389 East 89th Street. Now moving is obviously always a hassle and being over 5 months pregnant is not exactly ideal but I must say that it all went remarkably well. We used Flat Rate Movers who were excellent and we had them do all the packing which was the best idea ever!!! There actually are some benefits to moving while prego a) everyone wants to help you and b) no one wants to piss you off so when things got complicated with the move or the cable guy had to wait around for an extra 30 minutes while they located our cable box, every person did so with a smile :-)

Our Baby Girl
Our baby girl is doing amazing! She is super active and not only can I feel her movements but now we can watch my stomach and actually see them - crazy stuff! She is kind of quiet during the day but early in the morning and late at night (I hope this isn't a preview for how it will be when she is here) it's like there is a party in my belly. Sometimes she is tap dancing, others times kickboxing and then there are situations like yesterday where I don't even know what she is doing because there is an explosion of movement!! Anyway, we are all doing well and I am still feeling great which is perfect since I have lots to do before her arrival. 16 more weeks - yikes!

Birthday dinner

Moving day

The latest belly shot (in fab dress from Kristin)

Christina (one of my oldest and dearest friends) and me :-)

My husband and I all dressed up, we still got it!

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