Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another Purpose

This past weekend my husband's family found out that we were expecting our first child. Since they don't live in the area (Vermont, Florida and Texas) his youngest sister Amanda suggested that I start a blog to track all the baby developments which is perfect timing as I obviously just started this blog - yay!

Nothing really to report yet except that I am totally bloated (which is making me look 20 months pregnant instead of 2) and stressed out due to our lack of a home and my boobs are huge and very tender. Oh and I am nauseated and hungry (often at the same time) and I am even more moody and emotional than usual. Fun stuff!! Tuesday April 15th I am headed back to the doctor though and we are hoping to hear the heartbeat which I am really looking forward to say the least. Thinking about hearing my sweet baby's heart brings tears to my eyes and I just pray that everything is progressing as it should. This is such an exciting yet very worrisome time for us.

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